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    Digital Freelancer

  • Experiences

    I recently graduated from Emerson College in December 2024 with a degree in film. During my time in school, I have worked on several projects, including, but not limited to:

    • Filmed & Edited High School/Regional Theatrical Productions
    • Filmed & Edited Acting Reels
    • Filmed & Edited Birthday Videos
    • Filmed & Edited Small Business Commercials
    • Filmed & Edited Various Speeches
    • Digitalized DVDs and Photos into a Digital Format
    • General Apple & General Tech Support

    Email for specific inquiries!!!

  • About Me

    broken image

    I'm James, a filmmaker passionate about digital creation and helping people create!

    With over half of my life spent in filmmaking and extensive hands-on editing experience, I strive to bring ideas to life through my digital creations. My goal in film started with a fascination with how storytelling connects people and the fascinating stories you can tell on screen!

    Let's create something amazing that can be the best it can be!

  • Some of My Projects

    Examples of my editing and production skills!

    A Day in the Life (Music Video)

    I filmed and edited a music video of the classic Beatles song, "A Day in the Life."

    Mental Health in the U.S.

    I wrote and edited this project, speaking about mental health within the United States in a similar way to how John Oliver would.

    The Montage (5 Years of 720 Studios)

    A montage of many of the shows & films I wrote, directed, and edited over the past five years (2019 - 2024)!

  • Have a Question or Request?

    Contact Me!!

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